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Safe and Secure Payments

Mailbox Socks offers various secure payment options to make your purchase a hassle-free experience.

Major credit cards such as VISA, MasterCard and Paypal are accepted in addition to numerous other payment methods.


Privacy Policy

We collect information about you in order for us to process your order efficiently and effectively. The information we need includes your name, address, email address and telephone number.

We do not receive or store any credit card information.

We keep a record of all your purchases for accounting purposes and so that any problems that may occur are more easily rectified.

We do not release or sell any information to any other companies or individuals.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are small files that we place on your computers hard drive in order to make the site work as you would expect. Without the use of these small text files it would be impossible for you to shop online. Below we have explained how the cookies are used.

A cookie is required so that the site can recognise the same customer clicking from page to page. Without it, every page would be treated as the first visit to the site, and anything added to the shopping basket would be instantly forgotten. Online shopping would, therefore, be impossible.

A cookie is used to allow us to compile information on the number of visitors, sales data, visited pages etc in order to help us manage the site in a way that makes the customers experience as efficient and enjoyable as possible.

Cookies are NOT used to collect any personal or sensitive information or pass any data to third parties.

Granting us permission to use cookies

If your web browser is set to accept cookies you are giving us consent to use them (implied consent). If you do not want us to use cookies you can alter your web browser to not accept them. If you do this you will not be able to use the full functionality of our site and the buying process would not function.

If you have any questions please contact us at info@mailboxsocks.com